drchanpierre10 most popular social media worldwide in 2021In 2021, most popular social media worldwide are noted.Dec 30, 2021Dec 30, 2021
drchanpierre上次有留言問我,為何行山有工具執垃圾?在燒烤場地,有人留下膠手套和膠袋;我的隨身急救包,有膠手套,今天行山帶多一個膠袋。 每星期行山,帶女兒多做戶外活動,執垃圾又可以減肚腩,也可以清潔郊野公園,一舉三得。 記得將垃圾和垃圾袋帶落山,放入有蓋垃圾桶。Feb 7, 2021Feb 7, 2021
drchanpierreElection of medical members of MCHK 2020Concerning the election of medical members of MCHK 2020, please return the ballot paper on or before 3 Dec 2020, by post in the provided…Oct 23, 2020Oct 23, 2020