Application for Annual Practising Certificate for 2021

2 min readOct 9, 2020


Dear Doctor,

Application for Annual Practising Certificate for 2021

Kindly be reminded that our annual practising certificate for the year 2020 will expire on 31 Dec 2020. Remember to renew the certificate for 2021.

This year, the fee of renewal our annual practising certificate for 2021 will be waived. However, we are still required to submit the application form to the Central Registration Office by fax or by post.

Failure to obtain the annual practising certificate for 2021

The Medical Registration Ordinance, Cap. 161 may order a removal from General Register (“GR”) of name of any person who has not obtained the practising certificate for that year.

Subject to the Medical Council’s decisions, the names of the medical practitioners concerned will also be removed from the Specialist Register (“SR”) in accordance with section 19B(1) of the MRO at the same time when they are ordered to be removed from the GR under 19B(1)(b) of the MRO.

In recent years, there are about 100 registered medical practitioners every year, who have not duly applied and/ or paid for their annual practising certificates at 30 Jun.

It is an criminal offence under section 28(2)(a) of the Ordinance for a person whose name is not on the GR to practice medicine or surgery.

Licences of Registration and Practising Certificates, Registration of Medical Practitioners, MCHK

On the other hand, there are many steps to apply for restoration to the GR.

Application for Restoration to the General Register under section 25(3) of Medical Registration Ordinance, MCHK


Should you have any enquiries, please contact the Central Registration Office

Address : 17/F, Wu Chung House, 213 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Telephone : (852) 2961 8648 / 2961 8758
Fax No. : (852) 2891 7946
E-mail :


Remember to renew the Annual Practising Certificate for 2021 on time.


Dr. Pierre Chan



